Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I'm not feeling well today, so we had to spend our St. Patrick's Day at home. We are still in high spirits though. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Green Milk!

This cute little face has been cheering me up all day!


He's so funny!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Saturday, March 15, 2014

The pigs got a new hut

We got the pigs a new hut today:

This is Mario pulling carrots into his new home. Both Mario and Yoshi fit inside the hut at the same time.....although, I'm wondering if they will actual sleep in there at the same time? We might need  another hut! The entire hut is edible too! So, if they wanted to.... they could pull that sucker apart. Hopefully it lasts for a couple months!
Mario is starting to make some progress with K. K put some spinach into the cage this afternoon, and Mario came out of hiding while K was still putting more spinach down, and started eating it. Usually both pigs hide as soon as we open the cage...and do not come back out until the cage is closed. We've also noticed that both pigs start getting really excited when they hear a plastic bag opening. They have figured out that a treat is coming when they hear a plastic bag opening....and they start talking, and making their guinea pig noises. It's really cute. I hope that means they are starting to feel comfortable in their new home. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Auntie Brina's new restaurant

We went to visit Aunt Brina at her new restaurant this week:

First we got some fresh veggies with ranch to dip them in.

Then K enjoyed some chicken noodle soup.

Yay! Aunt Brina had mac & cheese on the kids menu.
K's favorite!

I had the Prosserville. It was huge, and delicious.

K gave Auntie Brina's new restaurant a thumb's up!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hanging out with Grandma & Grandpa

We went over to Grandma & Grandpa's friday for a couple hours to hang out.

Chalk drawing with Grandma.

Playing with flying objects in the front yard.

Grandpa teaching K.

Cousins pretending to be paleontologists.

Grandpa taught K how to hammer a nail for the very first time!

He did it!
Then K feed the Koi and ( with Grandpa's supervision) cleaned the waterfall!

Then we went out to dinner to celebrate! We received an e-mail from K's preschool this week. He has been taken off the waiting list and will be enrolled for the next session. Yay!!!



K and I have been working on a painting project this past week. I'm finishing up some of the details on this canvas tonight, while daddy and K are gone getting milkshakes.

Daddy barbecued for us tonight. Here is K helping me season the veggies before throwing them on the BBQ....



Mommy's little helper.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Can't wait.....

He's practicing for Maui.....

Disneyland 2014

Aunt Brina gave K a ticket to Disney for his birthday. We went to celebrate K's birthday and Brina's birthday:

Peter Pan

Peter Pan chasing his shadow.

Peter Pan had no desire to take pictures with the princesses at Ariel's Grotto.

Next in line for Mater.

The Oakland Zoo with Topher

This post is going up late. A couple weeks ago we went to the zoo with Topher and had a blast: