We have a new family member! She is 6 weeks old. She is an English Bulldog. We have named her Makena:
K and Makena have already become best friends!
We took her to the vet to get checked out. She is still too young for her shots.
Makena's first bath!
She did really well. No crying at all.
Precious puppy.
She loves to sleep on her back.
Wow, my hubby went to go pick her up from the breeder, and he definitely picked out the best puppy for this family! She is such a calm, and quiet puppy. She's a lover and a snuggle bug. The only time she barks is when she needs to go out, the only time she cries is when she's hungry. All of our animals tend to get closest to my hubby ( he's such an animal lover), but I think this puppy is going to be a mama's girl! We've been so busy lately. We've moved, we went on vacation, we are switching K's schools. It's been a little crazy. We thought a new puppy would help K with all the transitions. I was a little hesitant about getting a puppy, but this little girl fits into our family perfectly. Welcome to your new home Makena girl! We love you!