Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mail from K's cousin

K received mail today!!! It was from his cousin who lives out of state. He was very excited :

He got a picture of his cousin!! He was so excited!

He tried to put the picture in his pocket. But thank goodness it did not fit! I told him I would keep it safe for him in my wallet, where it wouldn't get bent.

Thank you K's cousin!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday Funday

 With Halloween only a couple days away, I think we are going to try and stay away from parks and social play areas. We don't want to be sick for Halloween.  On Sunday, we sat out in the courtyard and practiced our colors and the alphabet:

It was a little windy outside, so we didn't stay outside long.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Festival Downtown

We went Trick-or-Treating last night, and when I told K he gets to go Trick-or-Treating again today ....his eyes widened with excitement ! And, he said " Let's go Mama! Let's go!". First, I took my little man out to lunch at Auntie Brina's Restaurant. Then we went downtown to the Halloween Festival ! We stopped by my friend's booth to pick up a couple goodies! Then we headed straight to the kids games!

K spun a wheel and won a Halloween pencil:

At the karate booth he hit the punching bag ten times:

And then kicked it 10 times:

He painted a clay pumpkin:

He threw a ball at the cans:

He got his first tattoo:

He threw three rolls of toilet paper into toilets:

Then he threw ping pong balls into a pumpkin:

We waited in a long line to get a balloon character. K asked for Peter Pan, but she said Peter Pan was too hard to make. So, she made him a Spiderman:

He met Tim Burton's Jack Skellington;

Unfortunately, we had to leave early because we needed to go to a funeral. But, he was happy with the couple hours he got to spend at the festival:

After arriving at the funeral, K saw his buddy Topher hanging out in the courtyard:

The group of boys were getting so loud, we decided it was best for everybody to pay our respects to the family,  and take the boys to a park close by:

On our way home:
K: That was fun Mama.
Mama: Did you have a fun day?
K: Yes. Thank you Mama take me Trick-or-Treat.
Mama: Your welcome baby.
K:  Thank you take me play Topher.
Mama: Your welcome sweetheart.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Early Trick or Treating at Tinkerbell's High School Festival

 K got his hair cut today:

 The woman with the red hair in the picture below did his very first hair cut at a salon. Up until now it has always been Mommy and Daddy...but now that he's getting older it's starting to get harder.

We went to feed the Koi at Grandma & Grandpa's:

K's God sister called us and asked if we wanted to go to her school's Halloween festival. Of course we wanted to! Below is a picture of K, his God sister ( Tinkerbell), and God brother ( Ted) :

Eating a white powder donut:


Trick or Treating:

Making a pin:

Trick or Treating:

Toss the bean bag into the pumpkin:

Toss the bean bag into the doggy nose:

 Pop the balloon:


 Face painting ( K's first time ever):


K got a spider and his God brother got a bat:

After the festival we went to Krispy Kreme. This place was packed! Lots of people wanted donuts Friday night!

It was a fun evening!