First, a new Christmas tradition for our family!! For this activity I purchased a Christmas tree skirt from Target. I already had white acrylic paint and a paint brush. I had K dip his hands into the paint:
Then he placed his hands on the Christmas Tree skirt, to leave his hand prints:
I added the year and Voila! The beginning of a new family tradition! I thought this was a supper cute idea on Pinterest, and could not wait to have K do it!
While K had paint on his hands, we tried another Pinterest activity:
K got a little upset when he found out I was going to do most of the painting for this activity. So, we had to bust out his water colors to keep him busy too.
K's hand print on an ornament turned into snowmen! I want to have these forever, so I made two just in case one breaks.
Here is the tree skirt after it dried and was put under the tree:
These projects just put me in a Holiday, Eggnog, Disney movie, cookies just out of the oven kind of mood :)
" Cheeseburger!"
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