When we got there Grandma already had most of the cookies baked. She had Sugar cookies, Persimmon cookies, Gingerbread men, and Snicker Doodles ( Daddy's favorite!). We got there a little early and K got to use the cookie gun to make some Christmas tree cookies:
He loved it! He made Christmas Tree & Snow Flake cookies.
We sat the boys down at the kitchen table with frosting, sprinkles, and candy to decorate the sugar cookies Grandma baked. And that's when the fun began:
I think there was more candy going into K's mouth then onto his cookie :)
Grandma made a Gingerbread man for each member of the family.
Here is K's decorated Gingerbread man:
There were a lot of accidents with sprinkles. Those sprinkles came poring out instead of sprinkling out:)
Again, more went into the mouth then on the cookie.
He can't stop munching long enough to smile for a picture.
We put the cookies into Christmas boxes to dry and keep safe.
Here are K's decorated cookies.
K's buddy Topher stopped by with his Mommy & Daddy to bring K a Christmas present. I let K open his present because he was so excited!
Oh my gosh, he got the cutest Christmas ornaments! Is it weird that I almost wanted to start crying I thought they were so cute! Topher made him two Christmas ornaments. The first one was a picture of Topher & Santa in a pom pom Christmas wreath. The second ornament had two sides, one side was a picture of K and his 3 best buddies playing together. The second side was a picture of K & Topher! They were so stinking cute!
They are so cute! I love these, what a GREAT idea! Now, we can put them up on our tree every year and see how much the boys have grown.
Here is a little video clip from Christmas cookie decorating today:
We had so much fun today! Thank you Grandma & Grandpa for starting this new tradition!
Two talented young pastry chefs in the making! We better get their autographs now while we still can.