Daddy loves the Chargers!
Playing the driving game inside the arcade at the cabin.

First bath in the kitchen sink at the cabin.
Laughing at Mama.
Playing with balloons.
Silly boy
Taking a bath in our kitchen sink.
First time trying mash potatoes. He loved them.
First time being on grass.
This is my favorite picture of K!!! I absolutely LOVE this picture!!
First Halloween! I made him a lion costume.
First Halloween
First Halloween
Swimming on a hot summer day.
Before his first hair cut! Daddy was the first person to cut his hair! We cut his hair for the first two years. Then we started to take him to get it cut. He was always very good, every single time. He never cried or gave the hair stylist a hard time.
Mommy and K at Stow Lake in SF.
K was running through the sprinklers in the front yard at our first house. I surprised him when I took the picture.
K looking for videos when Blockbuster still had stores! We were in Denver, CO visiting Daddy for a month. He was one year old.
Mommy and K at Joe's Crab Shack in Denver Colorado. K was one year old.
I think this was his 14 month check up.
Hanging out with Grandpa in his garage.
He is laughing! He has always loved the water! This was at our first house! In the front yard.
K and Cruz! K was 18 months old. We were at the cabin in Utah.
Mommy, Daddy, and K. Mommy's birthday. At Tyler Florence's restaurant in SF!
K and Mommy in Utah at the cabin.
K was blessed by Daddy's cousin when he was 18 months old.
Again, in Utah.
18 months old. Showing us how flexible he was!
Playing in the water on a hot summer day.
Sleeping on the couch with Daddy.
Second Halloween. He was a dragon.
Fell asleep on Grandma & Grandpa's bed in Maui.
Laying out in Maui!
Right before our wedding in Maui.
Playing on the beach while Mommy & Daddy get married.
Getting some juice 18 months old. Maui hotel.
Daddy playing with his cheeks on airplane ride back from Maui.
First birthday, right before he got his cake.
First Christmas.
Playing in an ambulance at a children's museum
First Trip to the ocean. We went to Half Moon Bay.
Grandpa, Mommy, Daddy, and K in Maui. On Front Street.
Downtown Lahaina.
Dinner at Mama's Fish House for Mommy & Daddy's reception.
First Halloween
Piggy Park at the cabin.
Our little family. Love!
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