We met up with some of K's buddies!
To the top he goes...
Time to find some pumpkins!
There was a very nice climbing tree in the middle of the pumpkin patch!
The crew!
There were 4 munchkins seconds before this picture was taken...
he made a fast escape....
Time for a train ride!
There they go....
There he is!!!
We picked out one pumpkin already & Daddy took it to the car.
We decided to get two more!
The boys played hide and seek in the maze.
It entered triple digits today! It was crazy HOT! I was thinking about pictures when I dressed K today, and not the weather. I wish I would have listened to his Daddy and put him in shorts! Here are the boys taking a break in the shade!
Feeding the animals.
T's Mommy made Halloween treats for all the boys.
Inside the treat were these Dracula teeth! K loves them!
Here are our pumpkins!
We came home and made lunch.
K helped me pepper our chicken sandwiches!
After lunch Daddy took a nap, then we went to pick up some fire wood to stalk our wood pile.
When we returned home we went for a walk. It was Makena's first walk.
Go baby Go!
It was a fun day!
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