Sunday, March 29, 2015

New plants !!!

Mama got some new plants....
2 White Birds of Paradise!!

K helping Daddy plant Mama's new plants!
While he wears Mama's shoes.

Yay!!! I'm one happy Mama!

Taking the skin off Cucumbers

K has been helping out in the kitchen lately. He is now able to skin his own cucumber for the pasta salad he loves to eat:

He helps mix the pasta salad up.....while he eats the olives.....

                                                      He's a GREAT helper!!!!
Yum, another olive!

Valentine's Day 2015

Happy Valentine's Day! K has been very sick this week. He had a trip to the ER the Tuesday evening before Valentine's. He had a fever of 103. It was very scary, but the doctor said he was going to be fine. He was just catching a bug. On Valentine's Day K was feeling better, so we decided to take him out to lunch:

                                                        K loves the video games!!!!

                                                        My turkey burger.
Daddy had Fajitas!!!!

                                                       K's macaroni & cheese!!!
                                                   Shortly after lunch he was not feeling well again.
                                           We stayed home for the rest of the day, and K got some rest.
                                                             Poor little guy.


Since I've gone back to work, K has been in preschool full time. He is learning so much, and making friends. His preschool has extra classes that they offer once a year that you can sign your child up for. This year they offered a Science class & Yoga class. By the time I got to the sign ups, the science class was already full, but I was able to get him into the Yoga class:

He loves it!!
K working on an art project.

Playing on the playground with friends.

Learning ABC's in circle time.

He brought potato heads to school when his class was learning about potatoes. 

Learning about different smells....

Playing on the swing set at the preschool.
K has transition very well to preschool. He enjoys going to school in the morning, and bringing items to school to share in the share box. He has learned so much! He continues to surprise me with his growing vocabulary. He enjoys all of his teachers, especially the school director! He is soaking up every social experience this preschool has to offer. I could not be more proud of how well he is doing! I think this transition was harder on Mommy then it was on K :(

Decorating Easter Eggs

I went back to work in January, and have not had time to post to K's blog as much as I would like :(

We decorated Easter Eggs today!

                                                      Look Mom! I'm Hulk!!!
We decorated 18 eggs and only dropped one. We decided to eat it. K thought it tasted so good, we decided to eat one more!
We also went to K's preschool's Easter party last week! Where K got to take a picture with the Easter Bunny! He also got to put together some Easter arts & crafts projects. It was a lot of fun!