Monday, June 30, 2014

This looks familiar .....


Sunday, June 29, 2014

A weekend spent on doing paperwork....

We went to K's soccer practice this weekend, and then we spent the rest of the weekend doing paperwork. Mommy and Daddy had to complete paperwork for the offer on our new home. Poor K, had to keep himself entertained for most of this weekend:

K has been using a specific phrase numerous times lately. It cracks me up every time I hear him say it. When Mommy or Daddy tell him " No" or tell him not to do something he wants to do....he puts his hands up in the air in disbelief and says, " What's going on with you, Mom?".
                                                       Love my little man! XOXO

Saturday, June 28, 2014

1st Day of Soccer

Today was K's first day of soccer!!

He did great! I think he really enjoyed his first day!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

K's 2nd Art Project from Preschool

Today, K brought home his 2nd Art Project:

K made this beautiful 4th of July necklace!

He also painted this sun & watermelon!

I will hang them up in the kitchen tonight!
I'm so proud of my little artist!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Gardening with Great Grandma & Grandpa!

Today we went out to lunch with Grandma & Grandpa and Great Grandma & Grandpa!

We went to Red Lobster!

After lunch we went back to Great Grandma's & Grandpa's house. They had a water faucet that needed to be fixed. So, K got the chance to play in their beautiful backyard!

K's Great- Great Grandmother had the original " Green Thumb". I used to play in her backyard when I was a child. I remember playing in her greenhouse ( which is now my father's greenhouse), and I remember her vegetable garden being huge. Her entire backyard seemed to go on forever, when we went out there to play we could almost get lost in her garden. It was so much fun, and that's always what I remember first when I think of her. Now, K gets to play in his Great Grandmother's backyard, and it looks like a Japanese Tea Garden! Absolutely beautiful!  

Great Grandma's lemon tree.
Great Grandma's roses! That have been there since I was a little girl.

My cousins and I use to play under this tree and use it like a fort.

Great Grandma's strawberries.

Grandma & Great Grandma!

Playing under the lemon tree.

Come on Grandma, let's go for a walk!

K found a baby lemon!

Grandma got pieces of this beautiful flower to root, and start a new plant.
The original belonged to Great Grandpa's mother!


K's taking a break.

K helping Grandpa!

It was a fun afternoon!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The 1st art project K brought home from preschool !!!!!

Daddy came home from work early on Friday so he could pick up K from school. He got to see K's school for the first time, and meet K's teacher!

K made a tie dye shirt at school Friday and got to bring it home:

This is the first art project K has brought home from preschool!
Tonight, we were watching Shrek 2 right before bed. The movie was at the part when the cat starts choking on a hair ball, and actually coughs up the hair ball. K turned to me and said, " that's nasty!". I couldn't help but laugh a little. I asked him where he learned that phrase, and he told me " from school!". Great..... :(

Friday, June 20, 2014

All 5 cousins together!!!

This week all of K's cousins are in town:

K & B

Cousins having fun!

Napkin head cousins.

K & B
( Seriously mom, stop taking pictures)

Grandpa enjoying all the cousins having fun together!

B is a character!

K blowing out Auntie Krissy's birthday candle.

Cousin love.

Mama don't let your boys grow up to be cowboys....

I wish I could have got a pic of all 5 in the cowboy hats.

At this point they couldn't help but laugh when they were all together, and of course every pic I took was blurry.
Try to catch us Daddy!

Lol, was a fun evening.