Sunday, September 21, 2014

Grandpa's Birthday

We celebrated Grandpa's birthday earlier this week:

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

We had lunch with Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt Krissy!

Then Aunt K took us to a Vintage Boutique that carried chalk paint!

I really liked this soft brown color. Maybe for the kitchen table?

The boutique was also a plant nursery & lumber yard!
I got a huge piece of wood to make a holiday sign for $5!
I'm excited to make my sign!
I started....this is a Valspar Honey Milk color. One more coat!
I'll write a post on the sign as soon as it's finished.

Halloween Costume 2014

We made a stop by the Halloween store earlier this week. We originally went in looking for a police officer costume. We found the police officer costume, but K decided he wanted to be something else. I told him he could choose the costume he wanted. This is what he chose:

He will be a Ninja this year!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

K's first time at a friend's house without family or me

Today was a hard day for Mommy. We came back from running a couple errands, and our neighbor's kids walked over to ask if K could come over and play. K has really enjoyed getting to know them, so I knew the second the question was asked that he would be really upset if I said no. I thought fast, we have met their parents, we've spent some time with their family, I think they are GREAT parents, my son always has fun with their kids, they do live right across the street so I can go over and get him if I start freaking out too much. I decided to say YES! This was the first time K was away from me, and it wasn't with a family member or school! He ran right over to their house and had a great time, playing football & video games. Me, I started freaking out. Daddy stayed in the garage the whole time, just incase K had any problems being away from us...he would be right there. K does go to school for a couple hours a day...but this was different. Once I got control of my emotions I was able to realize this was probably the best situation for his first taste of freedom. He was very very close, and in the supervision of good people. Ugh, it still hard though...

I joined Daddy in the garage, and brought the puppy out to keep my mind occupied.

Look at that cute face!

She pretty much sticks to the garage and drive way. Which is good because Daddy doesn't want her on the grass since she still needs one more shot before she can go to the park. Actually it takes a little work to get her to come out of the garage.

We found out that she's scared of cars! When a car drove past us, she ran back into the garage and hide under K's Cadillac!

I think it was cooler on the cement inside the garage too! She is still really scared of everything in the front yard.
K had a wonderful time playing with his neighbor, and I'm glad I decided to say Yes!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

10 dollar garage sale finds......

I took a break from painting today. K and I went to a garage sale to look for picture frames for Auntie Krissy and ended up leaving with no picture frames and 3 items for K!

We got a Mother Goose story book,  Spiderman memory game, and a Rolling Stone rhythms keyboard all for ten dollars!!! K can't wait to show his new neighbors!

This is K's knuckle painting art work from his first week at his new school!

This little monster is finally taking a break! She has been chewing on my new kitchen table & chairs, my curtains, and a 2x4 that we use to help keep our back door secure.  She has plenty of chew toys laying around....of course she likes the other items better.  She also has a infatuation with K's floatable pool toys. She loves to lay on them, jump on them, lick them, and hide behind them. Her favorite seems to be "Fred" the lizard. I was pulling them out of the pool and stacking them under our shaded tarp area every time we were done swimming, but now that she has come into the family I've decided to just leave them in the pool. I asked our vet how to introduce her to swimming. The vet said right now is the best time because she is a puppy and fearless at this stage of her life...which made sense. I've brought her into the pool several times now. I take her in a little further each time. But each time it's only for a few seconds, as soon as she shows signs of wanting out I get her out. I don't want her to be scared of the water, I just want her to know that she can swim if she needed to. Since we have a pool, it is a concern of mine that she could fall in. She seems to enjoy water. I just hope she continues too. A couple of times now, when I'm relaxing in the pool on a tube, she motioned to me that she wanted to get on the tube with me, I pull her on and she just flips over onto her back and looks at me like....come on mom, rub my belly while I sun bath! Lol. She is completely fearless right now! I wonder if she will continue to feel this way about the pool? I hope so.
It was a Round Table Pizza kind of night. :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

First day of Preschool

Today was K's first day of preschool in his new school!

He was so excited to start school this morning! He wanted to wear his socks like that, lol. His teacher text me pictures of K while in circle time! He had a huge smile and was singing along with the class!
When I picked him up from school, his teacher said he had a REALLY GOOD first day! They did a First Day Observation Report on him (which told me how his first day went), which included his early morning activity choice which was running outside and playing on the swings. He had his morning snack, his late morning activity of choice was to explore the sandbox and then play basketball. Then he ate the lunch mommy packed for him ( which he barely touched...but successfully opened by himself!!! I was a little worried about him being able to open items inside his lunch...but he did it!) And I came to pick him up shortly after lunch. :) His teacher also took a picture of him on his first day, and sent it home with him! Plus, they gave him a Pizza Party Night ticket! Once a month the school puts together a Pizza Party Night for the kiddos they get pizza and to watch age appropriate movies while mom & dad get a date night.
He had a GREAT first day!


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Running errands, visit with Grandpa & cousin

We had to take a break from unpacking our boxes to run some errands today. We went by K's new school to pick up his enrollment packet, went to the bank, got K a hair cut, and dropped by Grandma & Grandpa's to say hello:

He always does well getting his hair cut.

Look Mom I got my sucker!

Feeding Koi at Grandma & Grandpa's.

Having a grilled cheese with his cousin!

Family BBQ

We had a family BBQ last weekend:

The boys had a blast!

Summer time fun!