Sunday, January 19, 2014

Give me a kiss honey

Sometimes when my son gets upset before bedtime ( because he wants juice and has to have milk) or early in the morning he tells me:

Mom: I love you honey.
K: I love you too.
Mom: Come here, give me a kiss.
K: No, I threw your kisses away.

Not only does he tell me he threw them away, but he acts it out too. He points his little index finger at me as if he's getting ready to teach me a lesson. Then he makes this cute little face;  he wrinkles up his nose, squints his eyes, and throws his kisses behind him as if he's throwing them away.

Oh how I wish I could get this on video to show him when he's older.


  1. Tell him G & G caught them and r sending them back!

    1. I definitely will tell him the next time he does it! :)
